snake in the garden

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snake in the garden

Messagepar pooh » 17 Juin 2012, 10:21

i saw a green luminous almst snake very slim about 1 metre longueur sliding across the grass into the bushes what is it has somebody lost a pet ? it looked a bit too tropical
for a snake in the rhone alpes can somebody give me a name ? thankyou
Messages: 1
Inscription: 17 Juin 2012, 10:18

Re: snake in the garden

Messagepar h2so4 » 17 Juin 2012, 11:19


green luminous snake is a recurrent topic on this forum and is a mystery. The snake you saw could be an exotic snake, but the probability is very low. Most probable is (I give the name in french) "couleuvre verte et jaune" or "couleuvre d'esculape" or "couleuvre de montpellier".the colour will not match, one possible explanation : distorsion between what people perceive or recall from their perception and the reality. Without a picture, no certainty.
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Inscription: 29 Juil 2007, 12:19
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Re: snake in the garden

Messagepar Galiser » 17 Juin 2012, 17:50

h2so4 a écrit:hello,

green luminous snake is a recurrent topic on this forum and is a mystery. The snake you saw could be an exotic snake, but the probability is very low. Most probable is (I give the name in french) "couleuvre verte et jaune" or "couleuvre d'esculape" or "couleuvre de montpellier".the colour will not match, one possible explanation : distorsion between what people perceive or recall from their perception and the reality. Without a picture, no certainty.

I can confirm without photo identification is difficult
Même pas peur !!
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Messages: 3655
Inscription: 13 Mai 2007, 06:11
Localisation: Savoie


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